Friday, July 18, 2008


So today I am 30. What am I going to do with that? Russell and I are going to go out tonight with our best friends, Nate and Stacy. We got a sitter for the boys since Gabz is still in WY. I am going to have a ball.

What have I done so far in my life? Well, I have been a mom for almost 1/2 of it. I have gotten married had 3 beautiful kids, have been able to be a stay at home mom, moved 1300 miles away from all family and I have also gained a lot of weight. This next week I am going to see my dad as he is bringing Gabz home on Saturday. I am going to join Weight Watchers with my friend Cindy. And I am just going to relish in the fact that I have a great family and everyone is healthy.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had fun!